Idioms with Food. Part 2

Idioms with Food. Part 2

LEVEL 3, 4, 5 |

It's always easier to learn a new word in a context. 

The same goes with idioms! This is Part 2 of the Idioms with Food series! 

And with this great series you will learn 5 idioms with food in just 5 minutes!


Written and voiced by Mary Mironova

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Idioms with Food. Part 2

Hey, guys! Welcome back.
Are you hungry for more food idioms? Then I'm the one to help you.

Do you know any phrases with “bacon”? Well, I do.
A man is supposed to bring home the bacon in the family. A woman doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to, money is the man's responsibility. Do you agree?

So what does bring home the bacon mean? It means “to earn the income”, to earn money for the family.

Personally, I think that a pregnant woman should never worry about bringing home the bacon, but when the woman is not pregnant, she should take her share of responsibilities and help her husband with bringing home the bacon.

Who brings home the bacon in your family?

*  *  *  *  *

I needed Sophy to help me with something, but she wasn't in a very good mood. So I told her that she looked wonderful to butter her up before I asked her for help.

Did you hear a food idiom here? Yay, butter someone up. What does it mean?
It means to be extra nice to someone, usually for selfish reasons. I told Sophy that she looked wonderful, even though she didn't. I needed her to be in a good mood so she'd help me. I flattered her for my own benefit.

I try not to butter anyone up unless I really need a favor, because I think that it's not a very honest thing to do.

Do you ever butter people up before asking them for something?
Can you think of a situation when someone tried to butter you up?

*  *  *  *  *

My acquaintance Christie is very selfish. Not only does she want to have a great job and a lot of money, but she also wants to have a lot of free time as well! She wants to have her cake and eat it, too.

What does “have one's cake and eat it, too” mean?

It means that a person wants more than his/her fair share. Everyone has either one or the other option, and this person wants both. Christie wants two things: a good job and a lot of free time. That's impossible. So “have one's cake and eat it, too” means to have more than you should.

Sometimes I want to have my cake and eat it, too. I want to have a lie-in in the morning, and then still have enough time to do everything I need.

Do you know people who want to have their cake and eat it, too? What would you advise them to do?

*  *  *  *  *

I like carrot tops, they usually have such cute freckles on their cheeks and arms.
What color is the hair of carrot tops? Yes, of course, it's bright red!
So carrot tops are people with red hair. I used to dream of being a carrot top when I was a kid.

Do you know any carrot tops?
Are you, perhaps, a carrot top yourself?

*  *  *  *  *

I like cheesy books sometimes, when I'm taking a break and don't want to think about anything big while reading. I know that those books don't make sense, and it's foolish to read them, but anyway…

So, what does cheesy mean?
Good job! It means “silly” or “foolish”.

Do you like reading cheesy books?
Do you ever do cheesy things?

We can also use the word cheesy to talk about people. A cheesy person usually thinks that he or she is very funny and super-cool, but in fact he or she looks foolish and can sometimes even be stupid. You can call someone cheesy and they won't get offended, because cheesy is not a strong word.

Do you have any cheesy friends?

Now you know several more food idioms Улыбаюсь
Whenever you're hungry next time, check out our other “food” podcasts!

Good luck!