Conditionals: Zero and First. Grammar with Mary

Conditionals: Zero and First. Grammar with Mary

LEVEL 2, 3 |

This is Grammar with Mary 


And this episode is all about Zero and First Conditionals.

Let's learn how to use them correctly!


Voiced by Mary Mironova

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Hi! How are you?
I'm great, thanks for asking, and today I want to tell you about conditionals.

If you light a match, it burns.

This always happens when you light a match. This is a fact. This was true in the past, in the present and it will be true in the future.
That was a zero conditional. The result of such a condition is always true.

If you heat ice, it melts.

It always does and it always will.
Where is the condition clause in this sentence? Where is the result clause?
The condition clause is “if you heat ice”. And the result of this condition is “it melts”.
What tense do we use in the condition clause in the zero conditional?
Great! We use present simple.
And what tense do we use in the result clause of the zero conditional? Correct! Present simple as well.
So the form of the zero conditional is

“If present simple, then present simple”.

What happens if you heat water? It boils.
What happens if you put a coin into water? It sinks to the bottom.
So that was the zero conditional. But that's not the only conditional there is!

And right now we will discuss the 1st conditional.
Let me give you an example.

If it stops raining, I will go to the picnic.

Is this possible in the future? Is it possible that it will stop raining? Sure it is! So the condition is possible in the future.
And if this condition is fulfilled, if it DOES stop raining, I will go to the picnic.
The first conditional deals with a condition in the future and its result. There is a real possibility that this condition will happen.
What tense do we use in the condition clause? Great! We use present simple.
And what form do we use in the result clause of the first conditional? Sure, we use will + infinitive without to
So the form of the 1st conditional is

“If present simple, then will + infinitive”

Tell me, what will you do if it rains tonight?
What will you do if you have free time tomorrow?

And now let's repeat what we've learned once more.

  • What's the form of the 0 conditional?

(If + present simple, present simple)

  • When do we use the 0 conditional?

(to talk about facts, the result of this condition is always true)

Can you give me an example sentence?

And what about the 1st conditional?

  • What is the form of the 1st conditional? Remind me, please.

(If + present simple, will + infinitive without to)

  • When do we use it?

(to talk about a possible condition in the future and its result).
Can you give me an example?

You've done a wonderful job.

I hope that you understand the 0 and 1st conditionals now.
Have a great day! It's been nice talking to you.