Expressing Likes and Dislikes

Expressing Likes and Dislikes

LEVEL 2, 3 |

In this podcast Mary tells us how to talk about likes and dislikes.


Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova

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Expressing Likes and Dislikes

Hey, guys! I absolutely love talking to you! I really like telling you new information about some grammar topics, and I really love writing these podcasts. I love talking.

What form of the verb goes after love? Yes, we use the gerund (verb with an –ing ending) after other verbs such as like/love/hate to express general preferences.
We can also use nouns after these verbs. For example, I like coffee or I like drinking coffee.

I absolutely love watching movies.
So, do I like this? Yes, I do.

We can use "absolutely love doing something" to say what you adore, what you really enjoy doing. It means that you really, really, reeeeallly like doing this.

What do you absolutely love doing in your free time?

We can say that we really like doing something, or fancy doing something. This means that we like it less than “absolutely love”, but more than just like.

I really like going for a walk in a new city.
What do you fancy doing in a new city?

I quite like studying at my university. I'm not that excited, I don't love it, but I'm ok with it. I quite like it.

What do you quite like reading?

I am quite keen on cooking for Christmas. I like doing this with my mother; we cook together and prepare a delicious Christmas meal. I am not delighted, but I quite like it, I'm quite keen on it.
So we use “to be quite keen on something” to say that we like something quite a lot.

Are you quite keen on cooking? Why?

I don't mind walking my dog in the evenings. I don't really like it, but I don't dislike it, either. I know I need to do it, and I don't mind, I don't have any objections.

Do you mind doing housework?

I don't like doing housework at all, I'm not very keen on it. We can use “don't like” or “be not very keen on” to show dislike. It is nothing major, but dislike nevertheless.

What do you dislike doing in the morning?

I really hate eating raisins. I loathe it, I completely dislike it. We use “really hate” to say something that we really dislike, something that gives us no pleasure at all.

What food do you really hate eating?

I can't stand going to early classes. I am fed up with this, I've been doing it for several years and now I just want to have a lie-in in the mornings instead of rushing off to the university.
We can use “can't stand” and “be fed up with” to show great dislike.

What are you fed up with?

So now guys, you know how to talk about likes and dislikes.
Good luck! See yaУлыбаюсь