Greeny. Story 15. Pinky’s Birthday

Greeny. Story 15. Pinky’s Birthday

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Today we celebrate Pinky’s Birthday. Join us!

Listen to all the stories about Greeny!


Voiced by Sophia Pelivanova

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Story 15. Pinky's Birthday

Today we celebrate Pinky's Birthday. She invites two guests to her Birthday party – me and her granny. I buy two presents for Pinky – a puzzle with a nice picture and a big yellow kite. When I come to her place I see many balloons – these are the party decorations. Everything is bright and beautiful. Pinky is wearing a pink dress and I am wearing a new green tie. I meet Pinky's grandmother – she is a very nice lady, she is smiling a lot. We listen to music, sing songs and have fun. We eat chocolate and cookies, pastries and sweets and we drink orange juice. But now it's time for presents. I give Pinky my presents – she is very surprised and says:

“Thank you, Greeny! I love the kite and the puzzle very much!”

Then Pinky's granny gives her a Birthday card, which says “ Happy Birthday, Pinky!” and a big present box. Pinky opens the box and sees a big Birthday cake. We put ten candles on it and start singing “ Happy Birthday to you”. Pinky blows out candles and makes a wish. We clap our hands and laugh. We are happy. I like Birthdays very much!



  • celebrate – праздновать
  • Birthday – День рождения
  • invite – пригласить
  • guests – гости
  • Birthday party – вечеринка по поводу Дня рождения
  • buy – покупать
  • presents – подарки
  • balloons – воздушные шарики
  • decorations – декорации
  • everything – все
  • bright – яркий
  • beautiful – красивый
  • wear – носить, быть одетым в
  • pink dress – розовое платье
  • green tie – зеленый галстук
  • meet – встретить, познакомиться
  • smilе – улыбаться
  • listen to music – слушать музыку
  • sing songs – петь песни
  • have fun – веселиться
  • eat – кушать
  • chocolate – шоколад
  • cookies – печенье
  • pastries – пирожные
  • sweets – конфеты
  • drink – пить
  • orange juice – апельсиновый сок
  • surprised – удивленный
  • kite – воздушный змей
  • puzzle – головоломка
  • Birthday card – открытка на День рождения
  • Happy Birthday – С Днем рождения
  • present box – подарочная коробка
  • open – открывать
  • cake – пирог, торт
  • candles – свечи
  • blow out candles – задуть свечи
  • make a wish – загадать желание
  • clap – хлопать
  • laugh – смеяться
  • happy – счастливый