My friend is a pharmacist and works in a drugstore. She knows a lot about remedies, treatment and diseases. She says everything in our life is contagious, very dangerous and causes obesity. That's why her drugstore is always crowded: people ask for cough remedies; retirees are afraid of getting a heart attack; businesswomen want medicine for hay fever. People spend lots of money for treatment while recovery can be much cheaper if you have a healthy life style. Most health problems are caused by stress, bad diet and lack of exercise.
One day a sleepwalker came to my friend's chemist and asked for help. It was obvious he was a sleepwalker as he came at midnight and was wearing pajamas. He said he was a shopaholic and needed something for recovery. Then he explained how the illness had affected his life. He said that once he entered a shop and couldn't stop buying alcoholic drinks. And now he suffers from alcohol abuse. Then he bought a lot of pillows and a blanket on sale, and that's why he lay in bed a lot, had breakfast in bed and put on weight. He said the biggest problem was that his girlfriend was lazy and encouraged him to overeat and do nothing. The food they ate was not healthy and it damaged his stomach. Then he bought roller skates in one famous sporting goods shop and injured his spine. Two weeks later he got hooked on gambling. The consequences were overwhelming – he spent all his money and broken up with his girlfriend. It's fortunate he had always been a workaholic and he managed to earn lots of money very quickly. But he is still suffering.
Now he needs something homeopathic for his digestive system and an anesthetic for his back. My friend told him:
- Mister, a serious cure is absolutely necessary. You should see a doctor to prevent complications. It goes without saying you'd better kick your bad habits and take up some sport. I will give you a remedy but it has side effects. You might lose your vision and some of your internals. You may also become a drug addict. And you will definitely become impotent. But on the other hand, you will recover completely.
The poor man was so shocked that he suddenly woke up. He felt embarrassed about his pajamas, apologized and left the shop. My friend says many people suffer from nervous disorder but very few of them are courageous enough to face it.
Health and Addictions
Better health is central to human happiness and well-being. People who work in drugstores can prove the fact, that people are ready to pay any money when they don’t feel well. Also they always have a few funny stories to tell about their job. Listen and enjoy.
Voiced by: Larisa Babii