The Importance Of Having A Christmas Mood

The Importance Of Having A Christmas Mood


Are you excited about Christmas holidays? Or you feel that it is just a marketing campaign?


Voiced by Cheryl White

Словарь Ножницы Перевод Значение Замена

In the middle of December, my best friends and I went for a traditional glass of wine. Every year I feel as if my friend Kovbasa goes mad. He becomes a true Grinch who stole Christmas and starts his anti-Christmas propaganda. Quite the opposite, my friend Varenyk is always excited about winter holidays. He's like a child on Christmas Eve, happy about the Christmas tree, presents, and carols. I hoped maybe this year they would forget about their traditional dispute, but it was a pie in the sky.

Kovbasa was first to speak, “New Year resolutions are ridiculous! Christmas is nothing but a marketing campaign aimed at robbing people. How many of them are true believers? How many of them will go to church on Christmas night?” Varenyk was ready to fight to the bitter end, “Forget about the religious side of Christmas. When you refute the Christmas vibes, all that cinnamon and oranges, lights and Christmas dinner, you refute the celebration of life. You're afraid to live to the fullest!” I felt like the disaster was coming, “Guys, let's better plan our Christmas party! What would you like to drink and eat and who to invite?” Thank God, party planning always brings peace and love to my reckless friends.