The Big C is a short American TV-series (consisting of 40 30-minute episodes) telling a story of Cathy Jamison – a woman who suddenly discovers she has terminal melanoma. The letter “C” in the title is for “cancer”. Cathy undergoes five classical stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. She has spent all of her life taking care of her family and being a nice school teacher. The final countdown of her life makes her reveal her demons and forgotten dreams leading to a more authentic life. It becomes right the moment to reevaluate her priorities. She tries new experiences and wants to start from scratch. She reshapes her relationships with her childish husband and her son in the midst of his puberty. The series also deals with such topics as teenage crisis, aging crisis, and bipolar disorder. The Big C is quite careful with the topic of death, popularizing ways to cope with what is very difficult to cope with. Its ultimate message is uplifting.
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Voiced by Cheryl White
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