Adapted from the classic Aesop's Fables by Mickey Cesar.
Listen to this well-known fable to remind yourself that appearances can be deceptive.
Voiced by Mickey Cesar
From song lyrics to former addresses, our brains hold a seemingly endless supply of information. How are we able to learn, store, and recall information with such ease? If you want to learn how to memorize…
I have five yoga pants, three sports bras, ten sweatbands, two puffer vests, and only my credit card knows how many leggings. Do you own so much active wear too?
Voiced by Ann Merrill
Well, we are totally okay when a man and a woman are of the same age. And we are being very tolerant when a young woman is in a relationship with an old fart. But what if the opposite happens? …
A contemporary major issue regarding the relationships between men and women can be found in the exchange of the stereotypical and traditional roles both men and women have nowadays. Voiced…