Remember the first time Megan and Philippe met? Their story goes on! Will they go on a date? Will they be a nice couple?
Written and voiced by Arina Sidorkina
When you speak English it comes to the point where you have to choose your side: British or American. This is Episode 4 from the series which focuses on differences in British and American spelling. …
Many people think that leaders are people who do big things, inspire companies or even countries, or have some major impact on the world. Is it true? Voiced by Vivica Williams
This new series will make it easier for you to learn idioms with different colours. This episode foucuses on idioms with 'black'. Learn 5 idioms with 'black' in just 5 minutes! Written…
From Mozart in the womb to Chinese lessons in preschool, there are many parents eager to give their kids a jump-start on the sort of smarts our modern-day lifestyle equates with success. Sure, we talk…